Am 2016-06-21 um 13:51 schrieb Ralf Hildebrandt:
* Patrick Ben Koetter <>:

I'm trying to create a configuration that leaves every config file deployed by
an install process or paket management software untouched. The goal is to put
every configuration required into /etc/dovecot/local.conf.

I've come quite far, but I fail to disable pam as passdb service in
local.conf. What I get if I run doveconf -n is this section:

passdb {
   driver = pam

What is the actual problem? System accounts shouldn't be able to
log-in? System accounts shouldn't be valid mailboxes?

Use case: virtual accounts in "passdb { driver = passwd-file …"

The initial pam driver will make each logon have to wait for pam to timeout first which adds a considerable delay in the process


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