> On Jun 24, 2016, at 2:06 AM, Jeff Gamsby <jeffgam...@merlock.com> wrote:
> protocol imap {
>  plugin {
>    fts = solr
>    fts_solr = break-imap-search url=http://localhost:8880/solr/
>  }
> }
> protocol pop3 {
>  plugin {
>    fts = solr
>    fts_solr = break-imap-search url=http://localhost:8880/solr/
>  }

Don't place `plugin {}` setting in other config block.

It should be:

protocol imap {...}
protocol pop3 {...}
plugin {

Zhang Huangbin, founder of iRedMail project: http://www.iredmail.org/
Time zone: GMT+8 (China/Beijing).

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