
this is basically a repeat of this query from last year, which
unfortunately got a deafening silence for replies:

I have mostly 2.1.7 (Debian Wheezy) mailbox servers and the current proxies
are also of that vintage. 

So with "ssl=yes" and "disable_plaintext_auth=no" plaintext logins work,
as per the documentation
and historically expected.

Trying to use a 2.2.24 (Debian Jessie backports) dovecot proy with the
same parameters fails like this:
Aug  2 15:45:57 smtp12 dovecot: pop3-login: proxy(chibi...@gol.com): Login 
failed to mbxx.xxx.gol.com:110: Plaintext authentication disallowed on 
non-secure (SSL/TLS) connections.: user=<chibi...@gol.com>, method=PLAIN, 
rip=x.x.x.x, lip=x.x.x.x, pid=16066

Changing things to "ssl=no" doesn't help and setting trusted networks only
changes the last bit to have "secured" appended  but still fails the same

I really need 2.2.x to behave the same way as before and documented. 

Any ideas and feedback would be most welcome.


Christian Balzer        Network/Systems Engineer                
ch...@gol.com           Global OnLine Japan/Rakuten Communications

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