
I started using single instance attachment storage a while ago but I had
too many problems with it. My logs are filled with errors like:
Aug 03 18:41:38 imap(user@domain): Error:
b/l]) failed:
failed: No such file or directory (uid=23484, box=INBOX)

The funny thing is that the directory /srv/dovecot/attach/domain/5f/03/
doesn't even exist!

So, I would like to stop using it and my question is: how? First we would
need to stop writting things there while still reading it. How can I tell
dovecot to stop using it on new e-mail?

Second would be a dsync-like migration reinserting the attachments on the
messages back. How can I do that? Most importantly, what do I do with the
messages that lost attachments?

Thank you very much.

Daniel Colchete

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