Thunderbird shows this message as only a picture. Had to view the source to read it.

I'm new-ish to dovecot and sieve (haven't used it extensively till now)
and I'm not sure that I configured everything propperly.

The problem is that we're trying to get the following sieve code to run:


But we're constantly getting the following error:

sieve: info: started log at Aug 02 08:13:21.
main script: line 5: error: require command: unknown Sieve capability
main script: line 6: error: unknown test 'duplicate' (only reported once
at first occurence).
main script: error: validation failed.

Both me and my collegue can't find what's wrong with the system.

I would appreciate any kind of help on this matter.
Below's my configuration.

# dovecot --version

That version is very old. I am not sure which Pigeonhole version Debian used with that. The standard "duplicate" extension was introduced around that time. It could be that it is still called "vnd.dovecot.duplicate" at your end.

So, try `require "vnd.dovecot.duplicate";' instead of `require "duplicate";'.



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