Op 8/1/2016 om 3:37 AM schreef Reuben Farrelly:
> On 1/08/2016 10:01 AM, Stephan Bosch wrote:
>> Op 7/31/2016 om 4:27 AM schreef Reuben Farrelly:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've observed some odd behaviour with dsync replication between two
>>> hosts, specifically to do with sieve script replication.
>>> Has anyone else experienced the replication problem?  Are sieve
>>> scripts actually replicating in live time for other 2.2.24/2.2.25
>>> users as well?  For me I didn't notice this till I went looking so I
>>> wonder if other people are experiencing this but just not aware of it
>>> yet...?
>> I will look at this more soon.
>> Regards,
>> Stephan.
> Some further information.
> On the primary host:
> thunderstorm home # ls -al */sieve/rules.sieve
> -rw------- 1 user1  user1  3570 Jul 31 11:45 user1/sieve/rules.sieve
> -rw------- 1 user2  user2   175 Mar 15  2014 user2/sieve/rules.sieve
> -rw------- 1 user3  user3   725 Jul 31 09:32 user3/sieve/rules.sieve
> -rw------- 1 user4  user4     0 Jan  1  1970 user4/sieve/rules.sieve
> -rw------- 1 user5  user5     0 Jan  1  1970 user5/sieve/rules.sieve
> -rw-r--r-- 1 user6  user6  3719 Jul 31 11:24 user6/sieve/rules.sieve
> thunderstorm home #
> On the secondary host:
> lightning home # ls -al */sieve/rules.sieve
> -rw------- 1 user1  user1  3570 Jan  1  1970 user1/sieve/rules.sieve
> -rw------- 1 user2  user2   175 Mar 14  2014 user2/sieve/rules.sieve
> -rw------- 1 user3  user3   725 Jul 31 07:32 user3/sieve/rules.sieve
> -rw------- 1 user4  user4     0 Jan  1  1970 user4/sieve/rules.sieve
> -rw-r--r-- 1 user5  user5     0 Jan  1  1970 user5/sieve/rules.sieve
> -rw-r--r-- 1 user6  user6  3719 Jan  1  1970 user6/sieve/rules.sieve
> lightning home #
> In other words, the rules did eventually get propagated across, and
> based on the file sizes they are complete.
> But there is obviously something amiss with handling of dates (which
> in turn may relate to how the system determines that the file on each
> server is up to date or not, I guess).  In this case the two systems
> are in different timezones - the primary is GMT+10 and the secondary
> GMT+8.
> Also the status of active users is not always replicated either.  On
> one host the output of 'doveadm sieve list -A' shows my own account as
> ACTIVE but the other host shows all users - except for my account - as
> being active, and the sieve script for my account is not being
> replicated.

This should fix the file timestamps getting set at unix time_t 0:


I haven't been able to replicate the situation where this occurs though,
since my current replication setup is very simple.

I need to extend my replication setup to test this more thoroughly.

So, please test this at your end first.



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