On Tue, 22 Nov 2016 09:48:11 -0500
Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:

> I'm trying for the life of me to see a use case for anywhere close to
> 1,000 folders, and am failing. That would be a major problem just from
> the human side. How do you find anything?


I'm on what, maybe 70 mailing lists like this one. Many I've been on
for more than a decade, so I have an OLDFOLDERS folder containing
subfolders for each mailing list, each of which have their own
subfolder by year.

The three email clients I ever used: Eudora (on Windows 98), Kmail and
Claws-Mail had a collapsible outline view of all my folders and
subfolders, making drilldown trivial. They all also had recursive
searches. So 90% of the time, I just went to the current folder for the
mailing list. The rest of the time, I used drilldown and recursive
search. In less than 1% of cases was I unable to find an email I knew

I imagine if I'd started with Alpine, I might have had fewer folders
with more messages. But given the ease my past email clients had with
viewing my folders as a drillable hierarchy, doing it the way I did it
was trivial. And from a human point of view, the best way to organize
things is in a hierarchy, like a room of file cabinets, a Linux
filesystem, or a computer menu.


Steve Litt 
November 2016 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business

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