I considered sending to the postfix list instead, and would be happy to do that if it's more appropriate.

In regards to your suggestion, I've tried local_transport and mailbox_transport, but both result in mail bouncing because "User doesn't exist." I've added my virtual_maps file to local_recipient_maps, and that still doesn't work.

I did get the expected result with local_transport though (delivered to lmtp). So I'll keep poking that a bit.



On 03/15/2017 10:16 AM, chaouche yacine wrote:
Hello Doug,
First off since this is a postfix configuration problem I beleive it would be 
better suited in the postfix mailing list. The way I understand it is that you 
are editing the virtual transport map when you should be changing the local 
transport map because you are delivering to a normal, system user, not a 
virtual user. Try and see if that works for you.
  -- Yassine.

    On Wednesday, March 15, 2017 6:12 PM, Doug Barton <do...@dougbarton.us> 

 First I'd like to thank all the developers and contributors to dovecot.
I've been using it for many years, and deeply appreciate your fine work. :)

dovecot --version
2.2.22 (fe789d2)

I have a working installation with postfix and dovecot, and I want to
add sieve to it, so I am trying to configure postfix to use lmtp instead
of 'virtual' for its delivery service. However it is ignoring that
request, and for every message I get "status=sent (delivered to
maildir)" and it shows up in my Inbox.

On my mail host I have 1 normal user, let's say the username is
'myuser'. I have postfix configured to accept mail for several different
domains, and each domain has a lot of different mail usernames (I use
this for mailing lists and such). I use the virtual_maps feature of
postfix, and have a map file that looks like this:

ab...@dougbarton.us myuser
hostmas...@dougbarton.us myuser
do...@dougbarton.us myuser

All of this works great, and mail for all the different usernames and
domains gets delivered into my one real user's Maildir, and I can see
the mail with my IMAP clients.

I've configured sieve in dovecot, and I can see the socket for lmtp in
/var/spool/postfix/private/. I can also see the managesieve port in
netstat, and I can use a sieve client to connect to it and edit scripts,

So according to all the tutorials I've read my next step is this in
postfix' main.cf:

virtual_transport = lmtp:unix:private/dovecot-lmtp

which I did, and postfix restarts with no errors. But, it seems to avoid
lmtp altogether, and as I mentioned above it delivers straight to my
Maildir Inbox every time.

I do have a sieve file, and the ~/dovecot.sieve symlink exists. I
created a very simple filter:

require ["fileinto", "imap4flags"];

if header :contains "Subject" "test"
  fileinto "Junk";

which my sieve client says is correct syntax. Still no joy. :-/

Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome. (And sorry this is so long, but
based on my extensive searches it seems my configuration is a bit
unique, so I explained it in some length.)


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