Just discovered the Pigeonhole Sieve Extprograms plugin 

I currently have Postfix configured to run a script to store all incoming 
messages into a Mysql DB and a batch job that retrieves the messages in the DB, 
processes them and delivers them to the recipients' Dovecot servers.

Seems to me it might be better to have Postfix deliver all incoming messages 
directly to a single Dovecot mailbox and use this Sieve plugin to do the whole 
job of updating the DB, processing the message, and delivering to the 

Also, I have a need to implement updating the DB when the recipient reads a 
message for the first time (setting the \Seen flag). Would this work best to 
execute a script using this Sieve plugin from a IMAP Sieve script that watches 
for \Seen flag changes?

This might be a whole lot better than the way I was thinking of doing it before.

I’m basically implementing mailing lists where the senders receive a 
notification reply with a link to a web page where the message may be 
edited/deleted before it is sent to recipients (after a fixed amount of time 
has elapsed). This gives the sender the opportunity to change his mind before 
it is too late or to send to recipients immediately (by marking the message as 
Urgent). Also, even after the message has been sent out, I want to allow the 
sender to be able to delete it in the recipients mailboxes if they have not 
read it yet (downloaded it to their email client) or to see which recipients 
have read the message (and when they read/downloaded it for the first time). 
Both the sender and the recipients will have Dovecot mailboxes so I want to 
give more control over the messages for their entire lifetimes (both for 
senders and for recipients) than normal email does.

Any thoughts?


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