Citát Aki Tuomi <>:

On July 12, 2017 at 2:35 PM wrote:

Citát Sami Ketola <>:

>> On 12 Jul 2017, at 10.36, wrote:
>> Backends don't have access to user database and i wanted to keep it
>> like this :(
> Then probably your only possibility is to update last_login
> information with the authentication
> policy framework introduced in dovecot 2.2.25:
> just build your custom auth policy server that updates last_login
> information after successfull
> passdb authentication
> Sami

Thanks for suggestion but this seems too complex for such simple
thing. I will probably create a small cron script which will parse
logs and update last login datetime in DB.


Do you object backends talking to your proxies? If not, add a small

service last-update-script-service {
  inet_listener {
    port = 9421
  executable = script last-update

and speak to it from backend? bit hackish, I agree.


Thank you again for suggestion, i, finally, decided to create a cron script and parse logs (which is doing MUCH less load on database as it is not updating datetime every login [which can mean every few seconds per user]).


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