On 8/3/2017 6:11 AM, Teemu Huovila wrote:

On 02.08.2017 23:35, Daniel Miller wrote:
Is there explicit documentation available for the (probably trivial) 
configuration needed for Dovecot and Wforce?  I'm probably missing something 
that should be perfectly obvious...

Wforce appears to start without errors.  I added a file to dovecot's conf.d:

auth_policy_server_url = http://localhost:8084/
auth_policy_hash_nonce = this_is_my_super_secret_something

Looking at the Wforce console I see:

WforceWebserver: HTTP Request "/" from Web Authentication 

In wforce.conf I have the (default):

webserver("", "--WEBPWD")

Do I need to change the "--WEBPWD"?  Do I need to specify something in the 
Dovecot config?
You could try putting an actual password, in plain text, where --WEBPWD is. 
Then add that base64 encoded to dovecot setting auth_policy_server_api_header.

I knew it would be something like that. I've made some changes but I'm still not there. I presently have:

webserver("", "--WEBPWD ultra-secret-secure-safe")
in wforce.conf (and I've tried with and without the --WEBPWD)


auth_policy_server_api_header = Authorization: Basic dWx0cmEtc2VjcmV0LXNlY3VyZS1zYWZl
in 95-policy.conf for dovecot

Obviously I'm still formatting something wrong.


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