On 05.09.2017 10:52, Pol Hallen wrote:
> Hello all
> I use debian 9 with dovecot 2.x: real system users and virtual users:
> almost all works perfectly ;)
> Virtual users can connect via imap and pop using name + domain name:
> use...@domain1.org, etc.
> pam (real system users) users can connect via imap and pop ONLY
> without domain name
> It's a problem with pam authentication because linux make users
> authentication with only username (and not with also domain name) but
> I'd like user full email like tes...@realdomain.org
> cat /etc/dovecot/conf.d/auth-passwdfile.conf.ext
> passdb {
>   driver = passwd-file
>   args = scheme=SHA256 username_format=%u /etc/dovecot/users
> }
> userdb {
>   driver = passwd-file
>   args = scheme=SHA256 username_format=%u /etc/dovecot/users
> }
> cat /etc/dovecot/conf.d/auth-system.conf.ext
> passdb {
>   driver = pam
> }
> userdb {
>   driver = passwd
> }

passdb {
  driver = pam
  args = username_format=%n

also you probably want to consider using driver=passwd instead, if you
really don't need pam due to some special plugins.


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