On 05.09.2017 14:39, Florian Lohoff wrote:
> Hi,
> i am running basically this from cron:
> /usr/bin/doveadm -v expunge -u * mailbox INBOX.Spam SENTBEFORE 90d
> /usr/bin/doveadm -v expunge -u * mailbox INBOX.Trash SENTBEFORE 90d
> /usr/bin/doveadm -v expunge -u * mailbox INBOX.Junk SENTBEFORE 90d
> Now i am experiencing that the first line e.g. expunging INBOX.Spam
> returns the error code 68. No syslog/Output whatsoever. I tried
> running with -vvv -D which gives me a lot of output (for all mailboxes)
> but still i am unable to pinpoint the problem. The later 2 commands
> return "0" as expected.
> Where does the error return code come from and what does 68 mean?
> Flo
You probably should use -A instead of -u *.


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