Just tried 'count', 'fs' and 'dirsize' quota ackends. All the same.

# doveadm quota recalc
# doveadm quota get -u vadim
Quota name Type    Value Limit

User quota STORAGE     0 10240

User quota MESSAGE     0     -

# doveadm quota get
Quota name Type    Value Limit

User quota STORAGE     0 10240

User quota MESSAGE     0     -

It looks like quota_rule is interpreted but quota backend doesn't work
(cant count current quota state).

I deleted all the mailboxes, then I divided CONTROL an INDEX dirs
apart from mailbox dir itself:
Boxes were created with dovecot files for them under /tmp/no-quotas as
well, but no changes. quota value is always zero.
May be I should try MDBOX with all these quota backends, but, anyway,
I cant migrate to MDBOX yet, so it's not my choice.

Any suggestions ? Does anyone has a working maldir quota installation
all around ?
Dovecot version is 2.2.27 (c0f36b0).

Some other questions:
1. Documentation says that quotas can work improperly if static userdb
driver is used.  I use static driver. Is it really a problem ? I tried
to return user quotas from my bash-script, it passes from bash to
dovecot during lmtp and auth processes succesfully. But no difference
with calculating quotas. Can I use something different from static
driver for userdb if I use external bash script for auth and lmtp ? (I
will try to change the driver...)
2. It said that maildir quota backend count quotas using 'maildirsize'
files. I dont have such files inside box dirs. What should I tune in
order to create them by dovecot ?
3. Found this in docs: "Dovecot can't currently handle not being able
to write the control files, so it will cause problems with filesystem
quota. To avoid problems with this, you should place control files
into a partition where quota isn't checked. You can specify this by
adding :CONTROL=<path> to mail_location, for example:" - i tried to
put CONTROL and INDEX files in separate dir, but in the same dis
partition. Should I really change the disk partition ? What
'filesystem quota' means here ? I dont use any disk quotas in my
system (centos 6.9).

2017-09-06 15:55 GMT+05:00 Alex JOST <jost+li...@dimejo.at>:
> Am 06.09.2017 um 12:17 schrieb Вадим Бажов:
>> Thank you for your answers.
>> I fixed config to:
>> plugin {
>>    sieve_default = /mnt/rw_disc/dovecot/sieve/default.sieve
>>    sieve_global = /mnt/rw_disc/dovecot/sieve/
>>    quota = maildir:User
>>    quota_rule = *:storage=10M
>> #  quota_rule2 = INBOX.Trash:storage=+10%%
>>    quota_max_mail_size = 3M
>>    quota_exceeded_message = "552 5.2.2 Mailbox is full"
>> }
> Have you tried using a different backend (e.g. dict & flat file)?
>> The mail_location is actually maildir:/var/spool/mail/%u, mdbox was a
>> misspelling (i tried migration from maildir to mdbox before).
> I'm wondering if this might be caused by using the same directory for home
> and mail?
> --
> Alex JOST

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