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On Fri, 8 Sep 2017, Jacques Belin wrote:

1) It seems that when we use the sql dict, a map contaning the patern
"priv/quota/limit/messages" is mandatory. Not specifying it  in
dovecot-dict-sql.conf.ext issues an error.  As we are interested only by
the storage size and don't want to process the number of messages, how
to get rid of it ?

No, not that I know of. The value is calculated and storred.

2) We store the storage value in kilobytes.
But the plugin seems to only accept storage in bytes, Is there any way
to let know to dovecot that the value stored in the database is in
kilobytes ? (of course, I tried to put "size/1024" in the value_field
field of the map. It works, but generate a lot of error lines in the
dovecot log as it create a syntaxly incorrect MySQL uodate request...)

The plugin maintains an internal value in a dict. Don't change it and keep your hands off. If you need to access the current values from the DB, use a view, which transforms the internal value into what you need.

The limits can be expressed in any way, have your userdb query calculate bytes from whatever value you have in the userdb.


We manage a mail server using Dovecot under Debian.
Since a long time, we run nightly a script permitting to display the
storage usage of each user on the webmail, using internal calls. The
usage on each mailbox is stored in a Mysql database.

use doveadm to get the values and modify them. If the VIEW does not fit.

- -- Steffen Kaiser
Version: GnuPG v1


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