1. how do I keep mails from being rejected and kept in the local
mailqueue instead? (which is the old system's behavior)?

* You can set a quota grace to basically have a soft-limit - allowing the user 
to go slightly above their allocated quota.

2. what's the best (or simplest or recommended) way of setting up
per-user-quotas in this setup?

* I'm not sure if this is considered the "simplest", but like you I am also 
using LDAP auth. With this setup, I have LDAP manage per-user quotas. The 
primary mail schema I use is equipped with a mailQuota attribute. I have this 
quota attribute set as part of user_attrs in dovecot-ldap.conf.ext. For 
example, per user quotas in LDAP:

user_attrs = ....,mailQuota=quota_rule=*:bytes=%$

3. how can I get  an overview/list of all users and their quota usage? (I
guess I just solved that - "doveadm quota get -A" seems to work)

* It helps to set up aliases unless you don't mind typing a lot. To get an 
overview/list of all users and their quota usage I have a couple quota aliases 

alias quotaa='doveadm quota get -A | sort -h '
$ quotaa

alias quota='doveadm quota get -u $1 '
$ quota <username>

IMHO the official Dovecot docs are great, but I also battled with quotas for a 
short duration, so hopefully this will help a bit more.


On 9/25/17 11:51 AM, Garry Glendown wrote:
> On 25.09.2017 20:28, Sami Ketola wrote:
>>> On 25 Sep 2017, at 21.19, Garry Glendown <ga...@glendown.de> wrote:
>>> doveadm(root): Error: chdir(/root/) failed: Permission denied
>>> (euid=479(dovecot) egid=478(dovecot) missing +x perm: /root, dir owned
>>> by 0:0 mode=0700)
>>> doveadm(root): Error: chdir(/root) failed: Permission denied
>>> It looks like dovecot doesn't actually attempt to look at the central
>>> maildir, but instead seems to attempt to enter the current user's
>>> homedir (which, in this case, is root).
>> what was the command line you used to test this? As this looks a lot like you
>> just tried to check root users quota.
> Actually no, I tried "doveadm quote recalc" without any parameters ... I
> found the command in the wiki, which - as with most other information -
> might be helpful if you already know what you are doing ...
> "If your quotas are out of sync, you can use doveadm quota recalc
> command to recalculate them. "
> I assumed it would recalculate all users' quotas ... using the -u
> argument with an account actually does seem to work, at least I do not
> get any errors. Also, the get command seems to be accurate from what I
> can tell. Further tests show that the system already checks the quota
> correctly ... and hard-rejects any mails to users with full quota ...
> So with that part already working, I have new problems to solve:
> * how do I keep mails from being rejected and kept in the local
> mailqueue instead? (which is the old system's behavior)?
> * what's the best (or simplest or recommended) way of setting up
> per-user-quotas in this setup?
> * how can I get  an overview/list of all users and their quota usage? (I
> guess I just solved that - "doveadm quota get -A" seems to work)
> thanks, -garry

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