On 13.12.2017 02:59, Jakob Schürz wrote:
> Am 2017-12-12 um 09:56 schrieb Aki Tuomi:
>> On 12.12.2017 02:59, Jakob Schürz wrote:
>>> Hi!
> [...]
>> With v2.3 you are required to provide ssl_dh=</path/to/dh.pem yourself.
>> You can generate suitable parameters with openssl gendh 2048 (or 4096).
>> Make sure you run it on something that has plenty of entropy available,
>> it will take some time.
> Thanks for the Info. This was a challange for me...
> Is this correct to put this option additionally to ssl_key and ssl_cert
> in the config?
> And it must be the parameter-File, not a cert or key?
> At least i had to change some paths to the new installation-path
> /usr/local/... in exim and dovecot conf. /var/run/dovecot is in
> /usr/local/var/run/dovecot, if i compile it from git and install it with
> make install.
> But now, it is working. Thanks for the info
> Jakob

It must be a separate file, yes.

Also you can probably omit the paths from your config, as they usually
come from defaults.


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