On Sat, December 16, 2017 2:34 am, Aki Tuomi wrote:
> Please read between the lines =)

> at least you should remove autocreate plugin.

Aki, thanks.

I forgot to write this is meant as a plain vanilla pop/imap multi
user/multi domain server, no special requirements or deviations should be

>> mail_gid = 2000 mail_location = maildir:/%Lh/Maildir/:INDEX=/%Lh/Maildir/
> The INDEX= is redundant.

so I go from
mail_location = maildir:/%Lh/Maildir/:INDEX=/%Lh/Maildir/
mail_location = maildir:/%Lh/Maildir/

>> private }
>> namespace { list = children location =
>> maildir:/%%Lh/Maildir/:INDEX=/%%Lh/Maildir/Shared/%%u
> You should read https://wiki.dovecot.org/SharedMailboxes/Shared

(not sure whether I might have tried shareing my mailbox across two
domains for myself once?...maybe that's why it's there... not sure)

so I just remove this whole block:

namespace {
    type = shared
    separator = /
    prefix = Shared/%%u/
    location = maildir:/%%Lh/Maildir/:INDEX=/%%Lh/Maildir/Shared/%%u
    # this namespace should handle its own subscriptions or not.
    subscriptions = yes
    list = children

thanks again, sorry for dumb questions


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