Script didn't run:

  File "/root/tmp/", line 8
    o?= with os.fdopen(DOVECOT_PW_FD, 'r') as s:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Foley <>
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2018 15:34:15 -0500
Organization: Ohio Highway Patrol Retirement System
Subject: Re: AuthDatabase CheckPassword broken?

On Thu, 1 Feb 2018 10:02:10 +0200 Aki Tuomi <> wrote:
> On 01.02.2018 08:00, Mark Foley wrote:
> > I had been using the CheckPassword authentication interface with dovecot 
> > 2.2.15, 
> >, and it was working.
> >
> > After upgrading to CheckPassword no longer works. The referenced 
> > wiki page says, 
> >
> > Checkpassword Interface
> >
> >     Read <username> NUL <password> NUL from fd 3. 
> >
> > I've checked the information read from fd 3 with and I get 
> > <username> followed by 3
> > nulls. I'm guessing the 2nd null is supposed to be the password.
> >
> > Why is this no longer working? How can I fix it?
> >
> > THX --Mark
> Our CI has test
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> import os, sys
> def checkPassword():
>   with os.fdopen(DOVECOT_PW_FD, 'r') as s:
>     data ="\0")
>     if data[0] != "testuser" or data[1] != "pass":
>       return False
>     os.environ["USER"] = data[0]
>     os.environ["EXTRA"] = "userdb_uid=vmail userdb_gid=vmail"
>   return True
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>   if not checkPassword():
>     sys.exit(1)
>   os.execv(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[1:])
> And it seems to work.
> Aki

Thanks for the script. I'm testing this on a production system, so I'll have to 
wait until
after business hours to test. Meanwhile, not being a python wizard, I have a 
couple of

I have to run this script as my passdb { args } parameter, right?

On the line where it is checking for "testuser" and password "test", I assume 
that if I want to
use a configured user I can just change these, right?

Likewise with "userdb_uid=vmail userdb_gid=vmail", what are these? UID/GID of 
the user?

Is there a way in python to output the values in data[0] and data[1] to a file 
so I can see
what's actually received? If after the 'split' line I added:

f = open("/tmp/checkpassword.log","a")
f.write("Name: " + data[0] + ", PW: " + data[1])

Would that work?

--THX Mark

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