> On 21 March 2018 at 18:12 mj <li...@merit.unu.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed the following in the logs of our debian wheezy server:
> > Mar 21 07:13:47 mail dovecot: auth: Debug: 
> > ldap(username,,<g2/rF+ZnjAAu5ceg>): bind search: base=CN=Users, 
> > DC=samba, DC=company, DC=com filter=(&(objectclass=person)(sAMA
> > ccountName=username)(!(userAccountControl=514)))
> > Mar 21 07:13:47 mail dovecot: auth: Debug: 
> > ldap(username,,<g2/rF+ZnjAAu5ceg>): result: uid=username; uid unused
> > Mar 21 07:13:47 mail dovecot: auth: Debug: 
> > ldap(username,,<g2/rF+ZnjAAu5ceg>): result: uid=username
> > Mar 21 07:13:48 mail dovecot: auth: 
> > ldap(username,,<g2/rF+ZnjAAu5ceg>): invalid credentials (given 
> > password: invalid_password)
> > Mar 21 07:13:48 mail dovecot: auth: Debug: 
> > static(username,,<g2/rF+ZnjAAu5ceg>): lookup
> > Mar 21 07:13:48 mail dovecot: auth: Debug: 
> > static(username,,<g2/rF+ZnjAAu5ceg>): allow_nets: Matching for 
> > network
> > Mar 21 07:13:48 mail dovecot: auth: 
> > static(username,,<g2/rF+ZnjAAu5ceg>): allow_nets check failed: IP 
> > not in allowed networks
> > Mar 21 07:13:48 mail dovecot: auth: Debug: 
> > static(username,,<g2/rF+ZnjAAu5ceg>): Allowing any password
> > Mar 21 07:13:54 mail dovecot: auth: Debug: auth client connected (pid=6174)
> The line second last line "Allowing any password" comes as a surprise..? 
> Why would dovecot Allow any password..?
> We had the following bit in our config, but I removed it now:
> > #passdb {
> > #  driver = static
> > #  args = nopassword=y allow_nets=
> > #}
> Could anyone expain the "Allowing any password"?

This is what 'nopassword=y' does. I'm guessing this is an attempt to allow 
logging in from localhost without password, but I'd use master password (for 
applications or webmails), or

doveadm exec imap -u victim

for admin use.


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