Can you try enabling rawlogs and provide those? This probably needs some
certain sequence of commands, see how to enable them, you can
just set the rawlog_dir setting, don't forget to create and make it
writable for dovecot, no rawlogs otherwise.


On 26.07.2018 12:35, wrote:
> Ok... I changed my config a little... to make it simpler.
> I deleted the SYNOPTIC Namespace and all its Mailbox-Configurations
> and made the "Real" Namespace unhidden.
> namespace Real {
>   prefix = Real/
>   separator = "/"
>   #hidden = yes
>   #list = no
>   # uncomment the following to debug, and comment the above
>   hidden = no
>   list = children
>   subscriptions = no
>   location =
> virtual:/var/mail/real:INDEX=/var/lib/dovecot/db/indexes/real/%u
>   ignore_on_failure = no
> }
> Thunderbird and doveadm shows me now all Mailboxes from the
> Real-Namespace:
> # doveadm mailbox list -u jakob|grep Real
> Real
> Real/Archiv_zweijahr
> Real/halbjahr
> Real/Archiv
> Real/einmonat
> Real/zweimonat
> Real/dreijahr
> Real/zweijahr
> Real/einjahr
> Real/Alle
> The dovecot-virtual from Real/Alle is
> /var/mail/real: # cat Alle/dovecot-virtual
> -INBOX/Trash
> -INBOX/Trash/*
> -INBOX/Archives
> -INBOX/Archives/*
> -INBOX/Drafts
> -INBOX/Drafts/*
> -INBOX/Junk
> -INBOX/Junk/*
>  all
> When i try to open a Mailbox from them in Thunderbird i get this error
> in my logs (for example i opened Alle):
> Jul 26 11:33:44 aldebaran dovecot[14873]: imap-login: Login:
> user=<jakob>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=,
> mpid=17347, TLS, session=<scQAseNxo3NcPAkS>
> Jul 26 11:33:45 aldebaran dovecot[14873]:
> imap(jakob)<17347><scQAseNxo3NcPAkS>: Panic: file mail-index.c: line
> 752 (mail_index_close_nonopened): assertion failed: (index->views == NULL)
> Jul 26 11:33:45 aldebaran dovecot[14873]:
> imap(jakob)<17347><scQAseNxo3NcPAkS>: Error: Raw backtrace:
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/ [0x7f1ba2b9bdf1] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/
> 0xceeba) [0x7f1ba2b9beba] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/ [0x7f1ba2b09fe8] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/
> [0x7f1ba2d41028] -> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/libdovecot-s
> [0x7f1ba2d1872a] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/
> [0x7f1ba2c961aa] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/ [0
> x7f1ba286db80] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/
> [0x7f1ba286dd3b] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/
> [0x7f1ba2870f1
> 9] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/
> [0x7f1ba2c986d1] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/
> [0x7f1ba2c98787] -> dovecot/imap [jakob 92.60.9.
> 18 select](cmd_select_full+0x17e) [0x55ab6bfb7ace] -> dovecot/imap
> [jakob select](command_exec+0x64) [0x55ab6bfbf384] ->
> dovecot/imap [jakob select](+0x1c832) [0x55ab6bfbd832] ->
> dovecot/im
> ap [jakob select](+0x1c8cc) [0x55ab6bfbd8cc] ->
> dovecot/imap [jakob select](client_handle_input+0x1b5)
> [0x55ab6bfbdcd5] -> dovecot/imap [jakob
> select](client_input+0xa4) [0x55ab6
> bfbe2f4] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/
> [0x7f1ba2bb4009] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/
> [0x7f1ba2bb58ce] -> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/
> [0x7f1ba2bb410c] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/
> [0x7f1ba2bb4318] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/ [0x7f1ba
> 2b2e413] -> dovecot/imap [jakob select](main+0x331)
> [0x55ab6bfaff81] ->
> /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> [0x7f1ba28efb17] -> dovecot/imap [jakob select](_start+0x2a)
> [0x55ab6bfb016a]
> Jul 26 11:33:45 aldebaran dovecot[14873]:
> imap(jakob)<17347><scQAseNxo3NcPAkS>: Fatal: master: service(imap):
> child 17347 killed with signal 6 (core dumped)
> Jul 26 11:33:45 aldebaran dovecot[14873]: imap-login: Login:
> user=<jakob>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=,
> mpid=17349, TLS, session=<RKUIseNxpHNcPAkS>
> Jul 26 11:33:45 aldebaran dovecot[14873]:
> imap(jakob)<17349><RKUIseNxpHNcPAkS>: Panic: file mail-index.c: line
> 752 (mail_index_close_nonopened): assertion failed: (index->views == NULL)
> Jul 26 11:33:45 aldebaran dovecot[14873]:
> imap(jakob)<17349><RKUIseNxpHNcPAkS>: Error: Raw backtrace:
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/ [0x7f5060afcdf1] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/
> 0xceeba) [0x7f5060afceba] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/ [0x7f5060a6afe8] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/
> [0x7f5060ca2028] -> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/libdovecot-s
> [0x7f5060c7972a] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/
> [0x7f5060bf71aa] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/ [0
> x7f50607ceb80] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/
> [0x7f50607ced3b] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/
> [0x7f50607d1f1
> 9] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/
> [0x7f5060bf96d1] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/
> [0x7f5060bf9787] -> dovecot/imap [jakob 92.60.9.
> 18 select](cmd_select_full+0x17e) [0x557131605ace] -> dovecot/imap
> [jakob select](command_exec+0x64) [0x55713160d384] ->
> dovecot/imap [jakob select](+0x1c832) [0x55713160b832] ->
> dovecot/im
> ap [jakob select](+0x1c8cc) [0x55713160b8cc] ->
> dovecot/imap [jakob select](client_handle_input+0x1b5)
> [0x55713160bcd5] -> dovecot/imap [jakob
> select](client_input+0xa4) [0x55713
> 160c2f4] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/
> [0x7f5060b15009] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/
> [0x7f5060b168ce] -> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/
> [0x7f5060b1510c] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/
> [0x7f5060b15318] ->
> /usr/local/lib/dovecot/ [0x7f506
> 0a8f413] -> dovecot/imap [jakob select](main+0x331)
> [0x5571315fdf81] ->
> /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> [0x7f5060850b17] -> dovecot/imap [jakob select](_start+0x2a)
> [0x5571315fe16a]
> Jul 26 11:33:45 aldebaran dovecot[14873]:
> imap(jakob)<17349><RKUIseNxpHNcPAkS>: Fatal: master: service(imap):
> child 17349 killed with signal 6 (core dumped)
> Jakob
> *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 26. Juli 2018 um 11:26 Uhr
> *Von:* "Aki Tuomi" <>
> *An:*,
> *Betreff:* Re: Aw: Re: Panic: Leaked view for index - virtual mailbox
> I am pretty sure Synoptic/INBOX/Archives will not be same as
> INBOX/Archives.
> a SELECT Synoptic/INBOX/Archives
> a NO Mailbox doesn't exist: Synoptic/INBOX/Archives (0.001 + 0.000 secs).
> a SELECT INBOX/Archives
> * FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft)
> * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft \*)]
> Flags permitted.
> * 45 EXISTS
> So as you can see, specifying 'INBOX/Archives' under 'Synoptic'
> namespace means it will not be the same as INBOX/Archives. It is a
> separate mailbox, and the only way it can work is if you have
> INBOX/Archives/dovecot-virtual file which specifies that it reads &
> writes to INBOX/Archives. This is not the way to make some kind of
> fancy aliasing.
> I took a stab at reproducing your issue, but so far no luck. I have to
> try including the Archiv namespace as well.
> Aki
> On 26.07.2018 12:01, wrote:
>     Hello!
>     (and sorry for double mailings... i have some troubles with my
>     mailprovider 1&1... :-/ )
>     Yes, i have for all of them similar Folders and Configurations.
>     But i thought, it was to much to send you, because, they all are
>     similar.
>     There is one Namespace "Real" with according Folder in /var/mail/real.
>     This Namespace is hidden to the User. It is used to "prepare" the
>     views to the emails. All Emails, only all emails from the last
>     month, halfyear, year, 2 years and so on. The Archive in the
>     dovecot-virtual config in "Archiv" is a separate Namespace. (look
>     below)
>     /var/mail/real: # l
>     insgesamt 0
>     drwxr-sr-x 1 vmail vmail 30 Jul 12 17:47 Alle
>     drwxr-sr-x 1 vmail vmail 30 Jul 10 00:06 Archiv
>     drwxr-sr-x 1 vmail vmail 30 Jul 10 00:06 Archiv_zweijahr
>     -rw-r--r-- 1 vmail vmail  0 Nov 27  2017 dovecot-acl-list
>     drwxr-sr-x 1 vmail vmail 30 Jul 12 11:06 dreijahr
>     drwxr-sr-x 1 vmail vmail 30 Jul 12 11:06 einjahr
>     drwxr-sr-x 1 vmail vmail 30 Jul 10 00:06 einmonat
>     drwxr-sr-x 1 vmail vmail 30 Jul 12 17:46 halbjahr
>     drwxr-sr-x 1 vmail vmail 30 Jul 12 11:06 zweijahr
>     drwxr-sr-x 1 vmail vmail 30 Jul 10 00:06 zweimonat
>     For example:
>     /var/mail/real: # cat Alle/dovecot-virtual
>     !INBOX
>     INBOX/*
>     -INBOX/Trash
>     -INBOX/Trash/*
>     -INBOX/Archives
>     -INBOX/Archives/*
>     -INBOX/Drafts
>     -INBOX/Drafts/*
>     -INBOX/Junk
>     -INBOX/Junk/*
>      all
>     The "All-Mailbox" for only one year:
>     /var/mail/real: # cat einjahr/dovecot-virtual
>     !Real/Alle
>      all younger 31536000
>     The others "zweijahr", "halbjahr" and so on keep the same
>     definition, but with other count of seconds... this is for playing
>     around, which is the best period to hold in the "AKTUELLE" Mailbox
>     in Synoptic. And to choose in Thunderbird or other Mailclients,
>     for faster syncing or more emails.
>     and the Archiv:
>     /var/mail/real: # cat Archiv/dovecot-virtual
>     Archiv/*
>      all
>     And now the other Folder /var/mail/virtual, which contains the
>     Namespace "SYNOPTIC". Here i collect different Views for my
>     emails. This Namespace is shown to the User, and i can subscribe
>     them in the MUA.
>     /var/mail/virtual: # cat AKTUELL/dovecot-virtual
>     !Real/halbjahr
>      all
>     /var/mail/virtual: # cat ARCHIV/dovecot-virtual
>     Archiv
>     Archiv/*
>      all younger 1261440000
>     /var/mail/virtual: # cat Ungelesene/dovecot-virtual
>     Real/Alle
>      unseen
>     /var/mail/virtual: # cat Sent/dovecot-virtual
>     !INBOX/Sent
>     INBOX/Sent/*
>      all
>     and the Namespace "Archive" is located in
>     /var/mail/archiv
>      and contains all archieved emails. (There are really a lot Emails).
>     I declare this Namespace as "Special Folder", so Thunderbird picks
>     it up as the Archive-Folder for automatic archieving old emails.
>     The thing is, I get the error on the "Alle", "Send",
>     "ungelesene"... Mailboxes. The Archiv-Mailbox is working correctly!
>     Another funny thing is... I got this error on older versions and
>     also on version 2.4 (=master in git). But not all the time.
>     Some day it worked without error... It worked until i deleted the
>     whole index-directories a few days ago... then i got the error.
>     Without changing the config!!
>     Uhmm... Yes, there is this Synoptic/INBOX/Archives Mailbox. This
>     is for a special Mailclient "K9Mail" (on Android). Because i used
>     there only the Synoptic-Namespace. And K9Mail created itself an
>     own Archive-Folder, if there is no one below INBOX. With this
>     solution, K9Mail shows the same Archive as Thunderbird shows ist
>     as Special folder.
>     The Gmail-App handles different Namespaces at the same time, but
>     cannot handle different Identities.
>     K9Mail can handle different Identities (for Alias-Emailadresses)
>     for the same Account, but only one Namespace...
>     Jakob

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