
Thanks, good news is that worked. Bad news is it all looks good which
means I do not know hwhy my remote clients can't get their email,
looked like from the logs it was that.

Would 143 be better or 993 for the external clients?


On 7/30/18, Aki Tuomi <aki.tu...@dovecot.fi> wrote:
>> On 30 July 2018 at 19:16 David Mehler <dave.meh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Does dovecot 2.3.x have any issues recognizing or using certificates
>> that are ECC and wildcard? I'm trying to switch my letsencrypt
>> implementation from acme-client which does not support either of those
>> capabilities to acme.sh which does. Since then external clients
>> checking their email has not worked. A manual telnet to
>> mail.example.com 993 gives a connected message but then nothing no
>> greeting or capabilities.
>> The certificate is for example.com with an alt name of *.example.com
>> if that's not right let me know, i'm not sure about that one,
>> connecting to the web sites of these pages seems noticeably slower,
>> I'm wondering if both of these issues aren't key related?
>> Thanks.
>> Dave.
> These both should be fine.
> Port 993 is TLS encrypted, you should use openssl s_client -connect
> server:993
> Aki

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