
Op 20/08/2018 om 18:01 schreef davide marchi:
Hi to all i have compiled and installed dovecot on debian 6 with success but now i'm facing a strange problem on communication from postfix installed on server A with dovecot installed on server B (which version is All incoming emails delivered from esternal from server A to server B with LMTP is rejected with this message error

"smtpgw postfix/lmtp[1772]: 6194CA00B3: to=<xxxxxxxxx...@mail.cgilfe.it <mailto:xxxxxxxxx...@mail.cgilfe.it>>, relay=[]:24, delay=0.02, delays=0/0.01/0.01/0, dsn=5.5.4, status=undeliverable (host[] said: 501 5.5.4 Invalid FROM: Missing domain (in reply to MAIL FROM command))"

I cant identify what is the problem , for now i have bypassed lmtp using smtp but my goal is returning to lmtp that i have used since old versions of dovecot.

Dovecot v2.2. was extremely permissive regarding address syntax. Dovecot v2.3+ tends to be more strict, but if there's really an interoperability problem we can implement a workaround. First I'd like to know what exactly is going on. For some reason, your incoming mails have an envelope "from" address without a domain part, which is normally not allowed and makes little sense for messages exchanged on the internet. Any idea why that may be happening?



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