You should read it more carefully.  See the 'Configuration' section.


On 17.09.2018 09:31, Reio Remma wrote:
> I was wondering about that myself, but then I couldn't find any info
> on quota = in the wiki.
> Please update:
> :)
> Thanks,
> Reio
> On 17/09/2018 08:57, Aki Tuomi wrote:
>> You did everything except actually enable quota... =)
>> Try adding this to your configuration
>>   quota = count:User quota
>>   quota_vsizes = yes
>> inside the plugin {} section.
>> Aki
>>> On 16 September 2018 at 21:58 Mik J <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm trying to have quotas working with roundcube.
>>> When I'm logged into roundcube I see 0% quota which seems to correspond to 
>>> disabled.
>>> However I did everything that I could to enable quotas
>>> # doveconf -n 
>>> auth_mechanisms = cram-md5 loginauth_verbose = yes
>>> debug_log_path = /tmp/dovecot.log
>>> first_valid_uid = 1000
>>> log_path = /var/log/dovecot.log
>>> mail_gid = vmail
>>> mail_location = maildir:/home/mail/%d/%n/Maildir
>>> mail_plugins = notify replication quota
>>> mail_uid = vmail
>>> mbox_write_locks = fcntl
>>> mmap_disable = yes
>>> namespace inbox {
>>>   inbox = yes
>>>   location =
>>>   mailbox Drafts {
>>>     special_use = \Drafts
>>>   }
>>>   mailbox Junk {
>>>     special_use = \Junk
>>>   }
>>>   mailbox Sent {
>>>     special_use = \Sent
>>>   }
>>>   mailbox "Sent Messages" {
>>>     special_use = \Sent
>>>   }
>>>   mailbox Trash {
>>>     special_use = \Trash
>>>   }
>>>   prefix =
>>> }
>>> passdb {
>>>   driver = bsdauth
>>> }
>>> passdb {
>>>   args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot.passwd
>>>   driver = passwd-file
>>> }
>>> plugin {
>>>   quota_grace = 10%%
>>>   quota_rule = *:storage=2G
>>>   quota_rule2 = Trash:storage=+200M
>>>   quota_rule3 = SPAM:ignore
>>>   quota_status_nouser = DUNNO
>>>   quota_status_overquota = 552 5.2.2 Mailbox is full
>>>   quota_status_success = DUNNO
>>>   quota_warning = storage=95%% quota-warning 95 %u
>>>   quota_warning2 = storage=80%% quota-warning 80 %u
>>> }
>>> ssl_ca = /etc/ssl/certs/CA_Intermed_Lets_Encrypt.crt
>>> ssl_cert = </etc/ssl/certs/
>>> ssl_key =  # hidden, use -P to show it
>>> ssl_key_password =  # hidden, use -P to show it
>>> userdb {
>>>   driver = passwd
>>> }
>>> userdb {
>>>   driver = static
>>> }
>>> protocol lda {
>>>   mail_plugins = notify replication quota
>>> }
>>> protocol imap {
>>>   mail_plugins = notify replication quota imap_quota
>>> }
> -- 
> Tervitades
> Reio Remma
> MR Stuudio 25 aastat
> *MR Stuudio OÜ*
> Tondi 17b, 11316, Tallinn
> Tel +372 650 4808
> Mob +372 56 22 00 33

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