Joseph Tam wrote:


> Whether you use any of them is up to you.  As I said, direct mailbox
> file access will work.  However, if you deal with Gb size mailboxes,
> re-indexing and general mail operations will be painful.
> > My mail goes through procmail, so Dovecot will not be the only one to
> > touch the mboxes anyway.
> Not a deterrent: replace all mailbox recipies with a pipe to dovecot's LDA
>       :0 ... pattern ...
>       | /path/to/dovecot-lda -d {user} -m {mailbox}
>       ...
>       # End of file: deliver to inbox
>       :0 w
>       | /path/to/dovecot-lda -d {user}

This will clutter up ~/.procmailrc, but may be I'll try someday.

Now I have encountered a different problem. My Android IMAP client
(the Gmail map) shows lots of mails in my Inbox. However, I already
deleted those mails locally from /var/mai/vas. They are being cached

Is it not dovecot caching them? 

Nor can I find a way to forcefully rescan an IMAP folder in the Gmail app.

Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN

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