> On November 14, 2018 at 12:46 PM "A. Schulze" <s...@andreasschulze.de> wrote:
> I stumbled upon RFC 8314 *) and I found it a welcome option to enforce more 
> modern protocols/ciphers.
> IMAPS/SUBMISSIONS aren't used widely (at least to my knowlege, many 
> postmaster used to configure IMAP+SUBMISSION and STARTTLS)

"IMAPS" has been used forever.  Every installation I can think of supports 993.

Same with submission.  465/587 has been a standard port for awhile now.

In fact, these are the only ports someone like a Google will allow you to 
connect to.

> Switching Clients to complete new ports is a chance to separate and dry out 
> legacy MUA's

There is no switch to do.  These ports are well-known and well used.

> I just tried this but that's no valid syntax tough:
>       service imap-login {
>         inet_listener imap {
>           port = 143
>             # using default protocols and ciphers...
>         }
>         inet_listener imaps {
>           port = 993
>           ssl_protocols = TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3
>             ssl_cipher_list = ...
>         }
>       }
> Postfix let me easily define different TLS protocols on different ports.
> For that it would be cool if dovecot could assist on such migrations, too.
> Andreas
> *) see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8314
>    as well as the draft 
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-lvelvindron-tls-for-email-02 to deprecate 
> TLSv1.1

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