Quoting dovecot-...@deemzed.uk:

> Not to stir the pot, but I notice my email address has recently been
> harvested from this list for spamming purposes. This email address is
> unique and not used for anything else.
> I'd distinguish this from spam sent to the mailing list itself, which is
> obviously different.
> Is there anything further that could be done to prevent this?

It's practically impossible to "police" all of those who sign up for a mailing
list that they do so for honest or constructive intentions. In addition,
copies of this mailing list are archived by various online search engines and
indexors, from content maintained or published by the list operators.

You're already using unique mail addresses, which is a sensible strategy, and
one I use myself. In fact, I use a scheme whereby I don't need to change or
update any back-end settings to deal with a multitude of unique and ad-hoc
specified addresses for every vendor/supplier and interaction point I deal with.

In short, if you use a public mailing list, expect that the address you use
for it will be discovered and abused by the nefarious marketeers of the High
Bit Seas.


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