On 02/12/2018 04:13, Ruben Safir wrote:
> Email should be intitive

(It was for me clear from the context that you meant "intuitive";-)

Yes, email (as any other tool) should be intuitive and as easy to use as
a hammer (and even hammers can be misused - it' just that we grow up and
learn how to use a hammer).
But with increasing complexity of a tool, this is gets harder an harder
to achieve.
And the main "problem" with user-interfaces as such is that a "good user
interface" depends on the user (the users knowledge, etc.) so an
intuitive user-interface for one user may be totally
non-intuitive/strange/ hard to use/inconvenient/too limiting/.... for
another user (and vice versa).

And the solution is actually trivial: a MUA just needs always a "reply
to sender" and "reply to all" button and when the MUA detects ML
headers, a "reply to list" button. It's than as intuitive as it can get.

But some widely used MUAs don't do this out of the box and next to no
one blames the MUAs for this but try to push their user interface
problem somewhere else (as in "the ML manager must work around my
problem and support exactly my use case - I don't care about all others").

Bernd Petrovitsch                  Email : be...@petrovitsch.priv.at
                     LUGA : http://www.luga.at

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