Hope this helps. There are no debugging symbols available for dovecot in
the alpine repository.

(gdb) bt full
#0  a_crash () at ./arch/x86_64/atomic_arch.h:108
No locals.
#1  free (p=0x55d949250660) at src/malloc/malloc.c:467
        extra = 65
        base = 0x55d94925060f ""
        len = 94391723427649
        self = 0x55d949250650
        next = <optimized out>
        final_size = <optimized out>
        new_size = <optimized out>
        size = <optimized out>
        reclaim = 0
        i = <optimized out>
#2  0x00007fbd98ae7e29 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libclucene-core.so.1
No symbol table info available.
#3  0x00007fbd98ae87ee in ?? () from /usr/lib/libclucene-core.so.1
No symbol table info available.
#4  0x00007fbd98b3639d in
lucene::analysis::Analyzer*, bool, bool,
lucene::index::IndexDeletionPolicy*, bool) () from
No symbol table info available.
#5  0x00007fbd98b36883 in lucene::index::IndexWriter::IndexWriter(char
const*, lucene::analysis::Analyzer*, bool) () from
No symbol table info available.
#6  0x00007fbd98df7cea in lucene_index_build_init () from
No symbol table info available.
#7  0x00007fbd98df677b in ?? () from
No symbol table info available.
#8  0x00007fbd99836706 in fts_backend_update_set_build_key () from
No symbol table info available.
#9  0x00007fbd99837c25 in fts_build_mail () from
No symbol table info available.
#10 0x00007fbd9983c63a in ?? () from /usr/lib/dovecot/lib20_fts_plugin.so
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00007fbd9a008ea7 in mail_precache () from
No symbol table info available.
#12 0x000055d9471ce6c0 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#13 0x00007fbd99d41beb in io_loop_call_io () from
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00007fbd99d430ab in io_loop_handler_run_internal () from
No symbol table info available.
#15 0x00007fbd99d41d56 in io_loop_handler_run () from
No symbol table info available.
#16 0x00007fbd99d41e69 in io_loop_run () from
No symbol table info available.
#17 0x00007fbd99cd5d32 in master_service_run () from
No symbol table info available.
#18 0x000055d9471cdfa9 in main ()
No symbol table info available.

On 12/19/18 8:08 PM, Aki Tuomi wrote:
>> On 19 December 2018 at 20:00 Tim Mohlmann via dovecot <
>> dovecot@dovecot.org <mailto:dovecot@dovecot.org>> wrote:
>> Dear list,
>> We been having some issues where the indexer-worker is crashing. This
>> happens on production servers which are handling a slight amount of
>> mail, but is also reproducible by moving messages. Also, users on my
>> server are complaining about "Trashed" items coming back etc.
>> Some details:
>> - Dovecot in alpine:3.8 based Docker container. As part of the
>> Mailu distribution. ( https://github.com/Mailu/Mailu)
>> - I've first seen this issues on my production server, which stores mail
>> on GlusterFS
>> - I've been able to reproduce running the Docker container on a Virtual
>> machine, using local storage.
>> - There is another Mailu user reporting the same problem on a different
>> VM provider / disk infrastructure:
>> https://github.com/Mailu/Mailu/issues/751
>> - Libc: musl-1.1.19-r10
>> Output of dovecot -n:
>> # dovecot -n
>> # (0719df592): /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
>> # Pigeonhole version 0.5.2 (7704de5e)
>> # OS: Linux 4.16.3-301.fc28.x86_64 x86_64  ext4
>> # Hostname: 98a2726271d3
>> auth_mechanisms = plain login
>> disable_plaintext_auth = no
>> first_valid_gid = 8
>> first_valid_uid = 8
>> hostname = mail.usrpro.io
>> log_path = /dev/stderr
>> mail_access_groups = mail
>> mail_gid = mail
>> mail_home = /mail/%u
>> mail_location = maildir:/mail/%u
>> mail_plugins = " fts fts_lucene quota quota_clone zlib"
>> mail_privileged_group = mail
>> mail_uid = mail
>> mail_vsize_bg_after_count = 100
>> maildir_stat_dirs = yes
>> managesieve_notify_capability = mailto
>> managesieve_sieve_capability = fileinto reject envelope
>> encoded-character vacation subaddress comparator-i;ascii-numeric
>> relational regex imap4flags copy include variables body enotify
>> environment mailbox date index ihave duplicate mime foreverypart
>> extracttext spamtest spamtestplus editheader imapsieve
>> vnd.dovecot.imapsieve
>> namespace inbox {
>>   inbox = yes
>>   location =
>>   mailbox Drafts {
>>     auto = subscribe
>>     special_use = \Drafts
>>   }
>>   mailbox Junk {
>>     auto = subscribe
>>     special_use = \Junk
>>   }
>>   mailbox Sent {
>>     auto = subscribe
>>     special_use = \Sent
>>   }
>>   mailbox Trash {
>>     auto = subscribe
>>     special_use = \Trash
>>   }
>>   prefix =
>> }
>> passdb {
>>   args = /etc/dovecot/auth.conf
>>   driver = dict
>> }
>> plugin {
>>   fts = lucene
>>   fts_autoindex = yes
>>   fts_autoindex_exclude = \Junk
>>   fts_lucene = whitespace_chars=@.
>>   imapsieve_mailbox1_before = file:/conf/report-spam.sieve
>>   imapsieve_mailbox1_causes = COPY
>>   imapsieve_mailbox1_name = Junk
>>   imapsieve_mailbox2_before = file:/conf/report-ham.sieve
>>   imapsieve_mailbox2_causes = COPY
>>   imapsieve_mailbox2_from = Junk
>>   imapsieve_mailbox2_name = *
>>   quota = count:User quota
>>   quota_clone_dict = proxy:/tmp/podop.socket:quota
>>   quota_vsizes = yes
>>   sieve = file:~/sieve;active=~/.dovecot.sieve
>>   sieve_before = dict:proxy:/tmp/podop.socket:sieve
>>   sieve_execute_bin_dir = /conf/bin
>>   sieve_extensions = +spamtest +spamtestplus +editheader
>>   sieve_global_extensions = +vnd.dovecot.execute
>>   sieve_plugins = sieve_imapsieve sieve_extprograms
>>   sieve_spamtest_max_value = 15
>>   sieve_spamtest_status_header = X-Spam-Level
>>   sieve_spamtest_status_type = strlen
>>   sieve_vacation_dont_check_recipient = yes
>>   sieve_vacation_send_from_recipient = yes
>> }
>> postmaster_address = ad...@usrpro.io <mailto:ad...@usrpro.io>
>> protocols = imap pop3 lmtp sieve
>> service auth-worker {
>>   unix_listener auth-worker {
>>     group = mail
>>     mode = 0660
>>     user = dovecot
>>   }
>>   user = mail
>> }
>> service auth {
>>   user = dovecot
>> }
>> service imap-login {
>>   inet_listener imap {
>>     port = 143
>>   }
>> }
>> service lmtp {
>>   inet_listener lmtp {
>>     port = 2525
>>   }
>> }
>> service managesieve-login {
>>   inet_listener sieve {
>>     port = 4190
>>   }
>> }
>> submission_host =
>> userdb {
>>   args = /etc/dovecot/auth.conf
>>   driver = dict
>> }
>> protocol imap {
>>   mail_plugins = " fts fts_lucene quota quota_clone zlib imap_quota
>> imap_sieve"
>> }
>> protocol lmtp {
>>   mail_plugins = " fts fts_lucene quota quota_clone zlib sieve"
>>   recipient_delimiter = +
>> }
>> And the actual error log:
>> imap_1       | Dec 19 16:31:08
>> indexer-worker( ad...@usrpro.io
>> <mailto:ad...@usrpro.io>)<490><m+t5VmJ93K7AqMsG:grc9HUxyGlzqAQAANEhNiw>:
>> Fatal: master: service(indexer-worker): child 490 killed with signal 11
>> (core dumped)
>> imap_1       | Dec 19 16:31:09
>> indexer-worker( ad...@usrpro.io
>> <mailto:ad...@usrpro.io>)<493><m+t5VmJ93K7AqMsG:HRLEK0xyGlztAQAANEhNiw>:
>> Error: lucene index /mail/ad...@usrpro.io
>> <mailto:/mail/ad...@usrpro.io>/lucene-indexes: IndexWriter()
>> failed (#1): Lock obtain timed out
>> imap_1       | Dec 19 16:31:09
>> indexer-worker( ad...@usrpro.io
>> <mailto:ad...@usrpro.io>)<493><m+t5VmJ93K7AqMsG:HRLEK0xyGlztAQAANEhNiw>:
>> Error: Mailbox INBOX: Mail search failed: Internal error occurred. Refer
>> to server log for more information. [2018-12-19 16:31:08]
>> imap_1       | Dec 19 16:31:09
>> indexer-worker( ad...@usrpro.io
>> <mailto:ad...@usrpro.io>)<493><m+t5VmJ93K7AqMsG:HRLEK0xyGlztAQAANEhNiw>:
>> Error: Mailbox INBOX: Transaction commit failed: FTS transaction commit
>> failed: backend deinit (attempted to index 1 messages (UIDs 1299..1299))
>> imap_1       | Dec 19 16:31:10
>> indexer-worker( ad...@usrpro.io
>> <mailto:ad...@usrpro.io>)<493><m+t5VmJ93K7AqMsG:GKWdMU1yGlztAQAANEhNiw>:
>> Fatal: master: service(indexer-worker): child 493 killed with signal 11
>> (core dumped)
>> imap_1       | Dec 19 16:31:10 indexer: Error: Indexer worker
>> disconnected, discarding 1 requests for ad...@usrpro.io
>> <mailto:ad...@usrpro.io>
>> imap_1       | Dec 19 16:31:11
>> indexer-worker( ad...@usrpro.io
>> <mailto:ad...@usrpro.io>)<494><m+t5VmJ93K7AqMsG:MRCzBE5yGlzuAQAANEhNiw>:
>> Error: lucene index /mail/ad...@usrpro.io
>> <mailto:/mail/ad...@usrpro.io>/lucene-indexes: IndexWriter()
>> failed (#1): Lock obtain timed out
>> imap_1       | Dec 19 16:31:11
>> indexer-worker( ad...@usrpro.io
>> <mailto:ad...@usrpro.io>)<494><m+t5VmJ93K7AqMsG:MRCzBE5yGlzuAQAANEhNiw>:
>> Error: Mailbox INBOX: Mail search failed: Internal error occurred. Refer
>> to server log for more information. [2018-12-19 16:31:10]
>> imap_1       | Dec 19 16:31:11
>> indexer-worker( ad...@usrpro.io
>> <mailto:ad...@usrpro.io>)<494><m+t5VmJ93K7AqMsG:MRCzBE5yGlzuAQAANEhNiw>:
>> Error: Mailbox INBOX: Transaction commit failed: FTS transaction commit
>> failed: backend deinit (attempted to index 1 messages (UIDs 1310..1310))
>> imap_1       | Dec 19 16:31:11 indexer: Error: Indexer worker
>> disconnected, discarding 1 requests for ad...@usrpro.io
>> <mailto:ad...@usrpro.io>
>> I managed to find a core dump file, which appeared outside of the
>> container. So I copied it back in, installed and ran gdb:
>> GNU gdb (GDB) 8.0.1
>> Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
>> License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
>> < http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
>> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
>> There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show
>> copying"
>> and "show warranty" for details.
>> This GDB was configured as "x86_64-alpine-linux-musl".
>> Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
>> For bug reporting instructions, please see:
>> < ">http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/bugs/>
>> <http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/bugs/>>.
>> Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
>> < ">http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/documentation/>
>> <http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/documentation/>>.
>> For help, type "help".
>> Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
>> Reading symbols from /usr/libexec/dovecot/indexer-worker...(no debugging
>> symbols found)...done.
>> [New LWP 1075]
>> warning: Can't read pathname for load map: No error information.
>> Core was generated by `dovecot/indexer-worker'.
>> Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
>> #0  0x00007fbd9a31c11a in free () from /lib/ld-musl-x86_64.so.1
>> So this seems musl related. I installed musl-dbg and ran again:
>> GNU gdb (GDB) 8.0.1
>> Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
>> License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
>> < http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
>> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
>> There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show
>> copying"
>> and "show warranty" for details.
>> This GDB was configured as "x86_64-alpine-linux-musl".
>> Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
>> For bug reporting instructions, please see:
>> < ">http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/bugs/>
>> <http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/bugs/>>.
>> Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
>> < ">http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/documentation/>
>> <http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/documentation/>>.
>> For help, type "help".
>> Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
>> Reading symbols from /usr/libexec/dovecot/indexer-worker...(no debugging
>> symbols found)...done.
>> [New LWP 1075]
>> warning: Can't read pathname for load map: No error information.
>> Core was generated by `dovecot/indexer-worker'.
>> Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
>> #0  a_crash () at ./arch/x86_64/atomic_arch.h:108
>> 108     ./arch/x86_64/atomic_arch.h: No such file or directory.
>> Now I'm kinda lost in space. I don't know where that header file is.
>> Tried running "find" on the filesystem and a google search. But nothing
>> specific showed up.
>> I am starting to feel this bug is more musl related than Dovecot. Since
>> this has bitten our project more in the past, I'm considering to move
>> the project to Debian based images. But I want to be 100% sure this is
>> not a dovecot bug.
>> Note, earlier I created an image with Alpine:edge with musl 1.1.20-r2
>> and Dovecot 2.3.3. Running that image I saw the same error symptoms (Was
>> just a hopeful trail and error). I did not do any debugging on that one.
>> Thanks in advance! Tim
> Can you run bt full on gdb and post that?
> ---
> Aki Tuomi

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