> On 27 December 2018 at 19:13 Subscription <leo1sub...@zudiewiener.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to move from my exising server to a new site. In preparation 
> for this I've set up the new server as per the first attachment.
> I've added additional (temporary) setting to the new site as per these 
> instructions
> https://wiki2.dovecot.org/Migration/Dsync
> but when I try to do a backup with the following command from the old to 
> the new site
> sudo doveadm -D -o imapc_user=user1@oldserverĀ  -o 
> imapc_password=pw-oldserver backup -R -u user1@newserver imapc:
> I get
> -----------------------
> Error: User initialization failed: imapc: Login to 'oldserver' failed: 
> Disconnected from server
> ----------------------
> I can connect to both sites without any issues
> openssl s_client -crlf -connect newserver:993
> openssl s_client -crlf -connect oldserver:993
> Not sure what I'm missing.
> Have also included the config for the old site
> Thanks,
> Leo

Did you check logs on the old server?


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