STATUS - Alpha code is written and compiling now. (attached)
- I would like to start testing. However, there is an error when
starting dovecot (git) :
Error: Couldn't load required plugin
/usr/lib/dovecot/ dlopen() failed:
/usr/lib/dovecot/ undefined symbol:
_Z30fts_backend_default_can_lookupP11fts_backendPK15mail_search_arg ldd shows that fts lib is properly linked: # ldd /usr/lib/dovecot/ (...) => /usr/lib/dovecot/
(...) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007fe3a51e2000) Your help very welcome PENDING QUESTIONS 1 - WHat does represent "subargs" in mail_search_args
2 - for rescan : who is responsible for passing again the new email ? Is

the Dovecot core sending again all the emails to index ? or the fts shall somehow access the mailbox and read all emails ? Wouldn't just be saying "delete all index and get_last_uid is now 0" the easy way ? or the fts must process all emails (and block the current thread as a mailbx maybe quite large)
3 - for get_last_uid : this uncertainity is very unclear. "If there is a

gap, then indexer first indexes all the missing" -> this mean at a certain point, indexer maybe rebuilding a previous email, so *last* uid is something different than max. And how indexer does know whther there is a gap wihtout callong the fts backend (whch it does not as there are no function for that) ?
Thank you

Attachment: dovecot-xapian.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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