A. Schulze via dovecot skrev den 2019-02-09 23:28:
Am 09.02.19 um 19:56 schrieb Aki Tuomi via dovecot:
I'll review the settings when we manage to upgrade to mailman3

before updating to mailman3 consider an simpler update to latest mailman2.

will any of this implement openarc sealing ? :=)

you're using 2.1.15, current mailman2 is 2.1.29
Your missing an /significant amount/ of DMARC fixes!

we all missing the point of missing opendmarc that can test for openarc sealing and be done with all the mess :(

or add a wiki to opendkim to make it autodetect maillists just like cpan Mail::Milter::Authenticated does it

if it cant be done in opendkim lua we loose all

and: more off-topic:
while my messages *to* the dovecot list are sent using STARTTLS,
messages *from*  wursti.dovecot.fi are sent without encryption.
any reason to stay on unencrypted SMTP?

maybe same reason dovecot have a mx record ? :=)

but good catch if in ip is same as out ip

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