On 2/10/19 8:21 AM, Christoph Haas wrote:
Hello Robert,

[... snip ...]

of course I'm totally with you: asking other people for help, is often a good - if even not the only way to getting things done. It was not my intention to insult you! I hope this did not come in to your mind ...

You did not insult me at all.  I have taken stronger barbs over the years!

Personally I would have a look at the mentioned Dovecot-backup-script as a start. It does really a very good job! Cudos to Klaus Tachtler!

That is on top of my list.  Thanks for the pointer.

Another option could be, to sync your mail via mbsync/isync or offlineimap to your Notebook ... but as an alternative backup, it depends on how many users are on your Dovecot-server.

I have 4 domains., 20+ users.  Small stuff.  I suspect that would only work for me, and I have my processes in place.

In a second cycle, you can then extend or modify this script - as I have been doing.

But you should bear in mind, that you should have at least 2-3 replicas of your data on different storage, for having a good backup.

The local image is for 'fast' backup.  This will then be rsynced to a server in my neighbor's house (we have ethernet between us.  He lunches off my ISP connection, he hosts my 'offsite' backups).


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