I have dovecot director with 2-3 ring and 4 dovecot

My ring is :  9090 right never       synced      8       37305225 39763861
0        723           2019-02-13 16:02:04 2019-02-13
16:02:04                          9090 left  never       synced      8       57409664 8707830 
0        737           2019-02-13 16:02:04 2019-02-13
16:02:04                          9090 self  never       ring synced 1       -        -       
-        -             -                   -          - This is my default server where clients connect - default
direcor 2.2.36 - second direcot 2.2.36 - second director with older ver 2.2.18

Today I found the error in my default mailserver
Feb 13 13:21:23 kernel: [24253349.641695] qmail-remote: page allocation
failure: order:2, mode:0x204020
and problem with logging via imap and pop3
I try "doveadm director status" i get time out

I try restart dovecot and get:
Feb 13 13:21:03 thebe3 dovecot: master: Fatal: Dovecot is already
running? Socket already exists: /var/run/dovecot/login/director

before failure i found:
"imap-login: Error: write(proxy-notify) failed: Resource temporarily

but my setting they seem correct https://paste.debian.net/1067596/

I moved IP (via keepalive) all to other director (secound servcer)
And when I try "doveadm director status" i get time out


I do not understand why I had a problem with second server
and restart dovecot in server2
restart solved the problem ?

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