Hi all
Cannot understand, does it a bug or just a misconfiguration. In my Dovecot there are 3 files of logging (debug, info and .log)
While executing logrotation, the new files are created, but old ones, namely dovecot.*.1 are still in use by the process
I use next logrotate config for dovecot:
/var/log/dovecot.log /var/log/dovecot.info /var/log/dovecot.debug {
  rotate 14
    doveadm log reopen
    chmod 666 /var/log/dovecot.log
    chmod 666 /var/log/dovecot.info
    chmod 666 /var/log/dovecot.debug

Here is the logger process in memory:
root 19140 0.0 0.0 4140 1576 ? S Mar12 0:06 dovecot/log
Here the files it uses after the daily logrotation:
# lsof -p19140 |grep log
log     19140 root   33w   REG        9,3      811  417675 /var/log/dovecot.log.1
log     19140 root   34w   REG        9,3  2842123  417681 /var/log/dovecot.info.1
log     19140 root   35w   REG        9,3 14853918  417683 /var/log/dovecot.debug.1

On manually issuing 'doveadm log reopen`  used files are changed to
# lsof -p19140 |grep dovecot\\\.
log     19140 root   33w   REG        9,3       0  417651 /var/log/dovecot.log
log     19140 root   34w   REG        9,3  121374  417690 /var/log/dovecot.info
log     19140 root   35w   REG        9,3  916153  417691 /var/log/dovecot.debug
as it is expected to be
What can be the root of the issue?
I use Dovecot as LDA for Postfix with system users, mbox mail format. System Slackware 12.0 x86, Postfix 2.4.5, Dovecot 2.2.36. Interconnect Postfix-Dovecot was made via mailbox_command
Dovecot compiled from sources
Logging configuration (file conf.d/10-logging.conf) contains the following:

log_path = /var/log/dovecot.log
info_log_path = /var/log/dovecot.info
debug_log_path = /var/log/dovecot.debug

auth_verbose = yes
auth_verbose_passwords = yes
auth_debug = yes
mail_debug = yes
verbose_ssl = yes

plugin {

Could the fact, that Postfix require Dovecot logs to be accessible someway, result in such a weird behavior? To allow other processes to access Dovecot logs I had to chmod 0666 all the current logs while integrating Dovecot into Postfix delivery (please see `chmod' commands in the logrotate config above)
Thank you
Denis Razoumovskiy

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