On 3/19/19 6:00 PM, Davide Marchi via dovecot wrote:

[...] is not clear for me if I need to tell Postfix to communicate with the service in /etc/postfix/main.cf as here:

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
    check_policy_service inet:mailstore.example.com:12340


Hey Davide,

You don't *have* to, but you can. Now whether you should or shouldn't is up to you. The downside of enabling this is that if John is over quota, then if you try to send a mail to three recipients John, Mary and Socrates postfix will refuse to relay mail for any of them, even if only John is over quota. This has confused my users who couldn't understand why things were like this, but apparently this is how postfix is designed to work ? (or is it a protocol limitation ?)

I don't know if other people here can testify of this or have they found a way to circumvent this ? (or more likely is it simply a bad configuration on my part ^:^' ?)


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