On 2 Apr 2019, at 6.38, Joan Moreau via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> wrote:
> Further on this topic:
> When choosing any headers in the search box, dovecot core calls the plugin 
> TWICE (and returns the results quickly, but not immediatly after getting the 
> IDs from the plugins)
> When choosing the BODY search, dovecot core calls the plugin ONCE (and never 
> returns) (whereas the plugins returns properly the IDs)

If we simplify this, do you mean this calls it once and is fast:

doveadm search -u user@domain mailbox inbox body helloworld

But this calls twice and is slow:

doveadm search -u user@domain mailbox inbox text helloworld

And what about searching e.g. subject? :

doveadm search -u user@domain mailbox inbox subject helloworld

And does the slowness depend on whether there were any matches or not?

> This is based on GIT version. (previous versions were working properly)

Previous versions were fast? Do you mean v2.3.5?

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