Thanks for your sharing, Daniel.

On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 4:12 PM Daniel Miller <> wrote:

> On April 23, 2019 10:54:38 PM luckydog xf <> wrote:
>> Is it worthwile to use dbox? seeing from
>> it may
>> cause file lock and easy to corrupt.
>> As with everything - it depends. You're asking me so these are *my*
> opinions - and I do not claim to be anything more than a hobbyist/tinkerer
> when the comes to this.
> mbox has potential use for long term read-only archives - I see no reason
> to use it for live mailboxes.
> maildir is undoubtedly the least susceptible to corruption. It's also the
> slowest format for reading. How slow is "slow" depends on your hardware -
> it may be imperceptible with enough RAM and SSD's - or it may result in
> user complaints with large mailboxes.
> dbox is Dovecot's preferred format. I know Timo has put a lot of effort
> into it. sdbox is similar to maildir in that each mail is a separate file.
> mdbox significantly reduces the number of files which can make file-based
> backups faster. Both dbox formats are dependent on their index files.
> If you've got good hardware, including a proper UPS, I'd recommend dbox
> (my server is presently using sdbox). With large mailboxes and file-based
> backups you'll benefit from mdbox. When reliability is the #1 concern above
> anything else - use maildir. Depending on your use SIS can have significant
> impact on storage requirements - but storage these days is relatively cheap.
> I haven't seen much feedback from users actively using SIS - I'd love to
> hear from high traffic sites with SIS experience to know if the corruption
> issues have been resolved. In my case there was at least a 30% reduction in
> space but I had too many errors - admittedly it's been a couple years since
> I last tried it.
> --
> Daniel

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