On 17.5.2019 13.46, Roel van Duijnhoven via dovecot wrote:
> Hello,
> I recently upgraded to the latest version of Dovecot, and want to use
> the newly introduced logging / event system. I want to fetch the
> statistics every couple of seconds, and push those to our logging
> platform. Metrics such as: number of IMAP commands, average time they
> took, etc.
> However the metrics as reported by Dovecot continously increment. So I
> see two solutions:
>   * Our solution could keep track of the previous values. But that
>     could also break if the statistics are reset for some reason (e.g.
>     threshold reached).
>   * My second thought was to use "stats -r". That /should/ clear the
>     statistics directly after fetching them. And thus, give a better
>     picture. However I am not sure if this gives me actual useful results.
> Or is there maybe a better approach to fetch statistics that I overlooked?
> Thanks a lot.
> Best,
> Roel van Duijnhoven

For the new metrics, we are working on exporting features, which are not
yet finished.

For old stats you can use carbon protocol.


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