On 26-5-2019 13:53, Jerry via dovecot wrote:
dovecot 2.3.6 (7eab80676)
FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE-p5 amd64

I have recently been finding error messages similar to the following in
my Dovecot log file:

May 26 06:58:32 imap(ger...@seibercom.net)<87791><WvXT+LyJHBCubeH6>: Error: 
stat(/var/mail/vmail/seibercom.net/gerard/.dovecot.sieve/tmp) failed: Not a directory

The message is correct as there is no such directory. The question is
why has it suddenly started appearing? I checked my maillog file, and
there are no messages being transmitted to Dovecot when that error
message is created. Neither is there any mail with that ID number either.

Could this be someone attempting to hack into my system?


Google ".dovecot.sieve/tmp) failed not a directory" found a link to this list

see: https://dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2017-May/108183.html

On 2017-05-31 15:09, David Gessel wrote: >/As my logs fill up with "imap(user at domain.com <https://dovecot.org/mailman/listinfo/dovecot>): Error: />/stat(/mail/doman.com/user//.dovecot.sieve/tmp) failed: Not a />/directory" errors, I followed the advice at />/https://wiki2.dovecot.org/VirtualUsers/Home and />/https://dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2016-June/104403.html and set in />//usr/local/etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-mail.conf />//>/# By default LIST command returns all entries in maildir beginning with />/a dot. />/# Enabling this option makes Dovecot return only entries which are />/directories. />/# This is done by stat()ing each entry, so it causes more disk I/O. />/# (For systems setting struct dirent->d_type, this check is free and />/it's />/# done always regardless of this setting) />/maildir_stat_dirs = yes />//>/My mailbox format reads "mail_location = />/maildir:~:CONTROL=/var/no-quota/%u:INDEX=MEMORY" />//>/The error is factually correct, but there is not .dovecot.sieve/tmp />/directory or file as .dovecot.sieve is a file (the head sieve script />/that calls the subordinate scripts out of the /sieve directory. />//>/There is a tmp directory at /sieve/tmp/ />//>/drwxr----- 2 vmail vmail 2B May 31 04:14 tmp />//>//>/Any hints as to why this isn't working? It does seem like the right />/answer. /The answer is in the wiki page you referred to: "Home directory shouldn't be the same as mail directory with mbox or Maildir formats (but with dbox/obox it's fine)." You should set mail_home (where for example the sieve script is saved to) to a different path than mail_location.

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