On Sat, June 1, 2019 8:47 am, Voytek Eymont via dovecot wrote:

I'm still not sure what/where am I missing...?

do I need some tables in the mailbox sql file ...?

or where is the extra 'c' from ?

"Unknown column 'mailbox.enablesievec'"

I currently have like in mailbox table:

 enablelda                | tinyint(1)      | NO   | MUL | 1              
    |       |
| enablemanagesieve        | tinyint(1)      | NO   | MUL | 1             
     |       |
| enablemanagesievesecured | tinyint(1)      | NO   | MUL | 1             
     |       |
| enablesieve              | tinyint(1)      | NO   | MUL | 1             
     |       |
| enablesievesecured       | tinyint(1)      | NO   | MUL | 1             
     |       |
| enableinternal           | tinyint(1)      | NO   | MUL | 1             
     |       |

> On Fri, May 31, 2019 10:18 am, Ralph Seichter via dovecot wrote:
>> * Voytek Eymont via dovecot:
>> Try runing "sievec -u {your_linux_user} /path/to/whatever.sieve" from a
>>  shell and check the resulting error messages.
> Raplh, thanks
> so, am I'm missing sql lookup for sieve...?
> # sievec -u voytek  dovecot.sieve
> sievec(voytek)<9667><>: Error: user voytek: Auth USER lookup failed
> sievec(root): Fatal: Internal error occurred. Refer to server log for more
>  information.
> # grep sievec /var/log/dovecot.log
> Jun 01 08:32:26 auth-worker(9621): Warning: sqlpool(mysql): Query failed,
> retrying: Unknown column 'mailbox.enablesievec' in 'where clause'
> Jun 01 08:32:26 auth-worker(9621): Error: sql(voytek): User query failed:
> Unknown column 'mailbox.enablesievec' in 'where clause'
> # sievec -u voy...@sbt.net.au  dovecot.sieve
> sievec(voy...@sbt.net.au)<9768><>: Error: user voy...@sbt.net.au: Auth
> USER lookup failed
> sievec(root): Fatal: Internal error occurred. Refer to server log for more
>  information.
> Jun 01 08:36:24 auth-worker(9769): Warning: sqlpool(mysql): Query failed,
>  retrying: Unknown column 'mailbox.enablesievec' in 'where clause'
> Jun 01 08:36:24 auth-worker(9769): Error: sql(voy...@sbt.net.au): User
> query failed: Unknown column 'mailbox.enablesievec' in 'where clause'
> from dovecot.conf:
> # Virtual mail accounts.
> userdb { args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-mysql.conf driver = sql }
> passdb { args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-mysql.conf driver = sql }
> # grep sieve dovecot.conf
> protocols = pop3 imap sieve # Pigeonhole managesieve service.
> # Per-user sieve settings.
> sieve_dir = /%Lh/sieve sieve = /%Lh/sieve/dovecot.sieve # Global sieve
> settings. sieve_global_dir = /var/vmail/sieve sieve_global_path =
> /var/vmail/sieve/dovecot.sieve
> #sieve_before =
> #sieve_after =
> mail_plugins = $mail_plugins sieve log_path = /var/log/sieve.log
> # cat dovecot-mysql.conf
> driver = mysql default_pass_scheme = CRYPT connect = host=
> dbname=..... snip....... # Required by 'doveadm mailbox ...'.
> iterate_query = SELECT username AS user FROM mailbox password_query =
> SELECT password FROM mailbox WHERE username='%u' AND
> active='1' user_query = SELECT \ '%u' AS master_user, \
> CONCAT(mailbox.storagebasedirectory, '/', mailbox.storagenode, '/',
> mailbox.maildir) AS home, \ CONCAT('*:bytes=', mailbox.quota*1048576) AS
> quota_rule \ FROM mailbox,domain \
> WHERE mailbox.username='%u' \
> AND mailbox.domain='%d' \
> AND mailbox.`enable%Ls%Lc`=1 \
> AND mailbox.domain=domain.domain \
> AND domain.backupmx=0 \
> AND domain.active=1 \
> AND mailbox.active=1

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