
Testing the NOTIFY extension on imap.vivaldi.net, seems there's a bug when a mailbox is renamed or deleted.

Requesting events with:

A1 NOTIFY SET (inboxes (SubscriptionChange MailboxName))

Here are the sent events:

- mailbox creation with automatic subscription (ok):

* LIST () "." foo
* LIST (\Subscribed) "." foo

- mailbox renaming (bug ?):

* LIST () "." bar ("OLDNAME" (foo))
* LIST (\Subscribed) "." bar
* LIST () "." foo

- mailbox deletion (bug ?):

* LIST (\NonExistent) "." Trash.bar
* LIST () "." Trash.bar

It seems that for the two latter cases, the last received event is incorrect, Dovecot notifying of mailbox unsubscription after the mailbox has been renamed or deleted.

In that case a client would consider those two last events not as mailbox renaming or deletion, but as a mailbox creation, wouldn't it ?

Am I missing something ?



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