Le 20/06/2019 à 11:59, @lbutlr via dovecot a écrit :
> On 20 Jun 2019, at 02:53, FUSTE Emmanuel via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> 
> wrote:
>> There is plenty of context where TLS is not possible/desirable.
> I’d say that is terrible advice. There are no reasonable contexts where is it 
> is acceptable to send mail credentials without encryption. My users have had 
> to use STARTTLS for submission for many many years. Insecure connections from 
> users are not an option.
Please, don't make me say what I did not say.
I use the word "context". I did not talk about "sending mail 
credentials" no more I talk about Internet.
And even with that, don't restrict the world as your use case .The world 
is not Internet only too.
And SASL and by extend the CRAM-MD5 mech is not used only in email 

Even in email scenario, I have to deal with equipments (scanner/copiers) 
not able to do TLS or not able to deal with a private CA and insisting 
to verify the SMTP server Cert to send email, or with broken or outdated 
SSL implementation etc ... They support CRAM-MD5. It is still better 
than clear text.
I have more than 4000 of such class of equipments behind my servers each 
having their problems, bugs, limitations.... Yes in 2019 ... I even 
don't talk you about the thousands of proprietary, outdated, customs, 
buggy (and combine all as you want) applications that I have to deal 


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