
I'm trying to get some IMAP auth stats on a Dovecot 2.3.6 instance, but 
whatever I declare in metric, it always show 0.

What I want basically is how many IMAP auth attempts there was on the server, 
and optional a way to filter on the auth attempt status (successful or failed).

My server uses a simple auth (with LDAP backend) and supports only 
"auth_mechanisms = plain login"

I tried using the following metrics:

metric auth_request_finished {
    event_name = auth_request_finished

metric auth_passdb_request_finished {
    event_name = auth_passdb_request_finished

metric auth_userdb_request_finished {
    event_name = auth_userdb_request_finished

metric auth_client_request_started {
 event_name = auth_client_request_started

metric auth_client_userdb_lookup_started {
    event_name = auth_client_userdb_lookup_started

metric auth_client_passdb_lookup_started {
 event_name = auth_client_passdb_lookup_started

metric auth_client_cache_flush_started {
 event_name = auth_client_cache_flush_started

metric imap_command_finished {
    event_name = imap_command_finished
    filter {
                name = LOGIN

But even after many successful logins, doveadm reports 0 for all events:

metric_name                       field    count sum min max avg  median stddev 
auth_request_finished             duration 0     0   0   0   0.00 0      0.00   
auth_passdb_request_finished      duration 0     0   0   0   0.00 0      0.00   
auth_userdb_request_finished      duration 0     0   0   0   0.00 0      0.00   
auth_client_request_started       duration 0     0   0   0   0.00 0      0.00   
auth_client_userdb_lookup_started duration 0     0   0   0   0.00 0      0.00   
auth_client_passdb_lookup_started duration 0     0   0   0   0.00 0      0.00   
auth_client_cache_flush_started   duration 0     0   0   0   0.00 0      0.00   
imap_command_finished             duration 0     0   0   0   0.00 0      0.00   

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