On Wed, 2019-07-10 at 12:26 +0100, Arnold Opio Oree wrote:
> Understood Adam,
> My thinking is that this is a package released with Debian 10. And so
> has everything to do with the release.

For clarity here - debian-release is neither a support forum nor a
discussion list, nor a means of reporting issues in software contained
within a Debian release. Debian has support fora and a bug tracking
system to handle such reports and issues, as per https://www.debian.org
/support . Having a single list that discusses any issue in any piece
of software shipped by Debian cannot possibly scale.

Rather, this list is the contact point and team alias for the Release
Team, who oversee and manage the release process. It is up to
individual package maintainers to triage and deal with issues reported
against their packages and then to liaise with us if required.



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