Hi all,

In an earlier thread, 
https://dovecot.org/pipermail/dovecot/2019-August/116694.html I got a lot of 
useful help about migration. On my older host, everything was static; on the 
newer host, I’m storing user information in Postgres. usernames are of the form 
<login@REALM>, say ‘h...@coyhile.com’ as basically a Kerberos principal, and 
authentication and individual lookups work.

My `users` table looks thus:

mail=> \d users
    Table "public.users"
  Column  | Type | Modifiers
 username | text | not null
 domain   | text | not null
 password | text | not null


and contains, as an example:

     username     |   domain    |                                               
 h...@coyhile.com | coyhile.com | [REDACTED] 
(1 row)

Naively, I’d expect something this to work for the iteration query:

iterate_query = SELECT username, domain FROM users

But, when I do that, I end up 

doveadm backup -D -A -R -f ssh -i id_rsa.dsync imap01.coyhile.com 
/opt/local/bin/doveadm dsync-server -A
doveadm(h...@coyhile.com@coyhile.com): Info: User no longer exists, skipping
[root@81716ec5-bca4-6d53-ed81-bd1a55d46b4f /tmp]#

Note the extra “@coyhile.com” in there.


Coy Hile

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