> On 13 Aug 2019, at 15.37, Jean-Daniel via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> wrote:
>> Le 13 août 2019 à 14:16, Sami Ketola via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> a 
>> écrit :
>>> On 13 Aug 2019, at 14.58, James Brown via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> 
>>> wrote:
>>> I’m thinking of getting Solr working with my Dovecot server. Server is new 
>>> 6-core Mac Mini, mail store of over 1/2 TB. Mailboxes with 100s of 
>>> thousands of messages.
>>> But I’m not sure if:
>>> a) it will make enough of a difference and
>> Choose mailbox format wisely. sdbox preferred unless HFS+ has problems with 
>> 100s of thousands of small files in same directory. If so, then use mdbox 
>> with periodic purges.
>>> b) does Mail.app and other mail clients on Macs or iOS devices perform 
>>> searches on their local copy of mail or does it just send a search request 
>>> to the server?
>> None of the apple devices use IMAP SEARCH. They ALL maintain and use their 
>> own local search database on the device. Also they seem to refresh the 
>> database every now and then redownloading all emails.
> Do you have a source for that. My experience is that without server search 
> support, iOS is very slow at returning result. Moreover, it keep only latest 
> messages and never download message until you read them.

I'm a apple device user myself. I have couple of iPhones, couple of iPads, 
couple if MacBooks and Mail.app on any of them is not using IMAP SEARCH.
And I cannot find any configuration option to enable it. Only spotlight index 
is used. On Mac OS Mail.App seems to store the indexed data to:

samik@samikworkmac:~>ls -1 Library/Mail/V6/MailData/Envelope\ Index*
Library/Mail/V6/MailData/Envelope Index
Library/Mail/V6/MailData/Envelope Index-shm
Library/Mail/V6/MailData/Envelope Index-wal

if those files are removed or spotlight search for mails is disabled Mail.App 
can't find anything anymore. It does not fall back to IMAP SEARCH.


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