Am Tue, 20 Aug 2019 11:07:13 +1200
schrieb Michael Hallager via dovecot <>:

> Hi all,
> I am considering expanding a mail server to support Oauth with
> Google. I have read through the following:
> however, it doesn't work and appears to me to be missing important 
> information, the least of which is API authorisation. Searching with 
> Google, I can't find any more information beyond what amounts to
> C&P'ing of the above link.
> Has anyone successfully deployed Oauth with Google and could they
> please send me their config files?
> Thanks,
> Michael


you should try the

## HTTP request raw log directory
# rawlog_dir = /tmp/oauth2

option. this dumps the http requests in this dir and you can see the
requests and the response from the server.

maybe its the missing 
option as mentioned in this thread [[ Dovecot - Microsoft Azure AD ]]
if its the case try building dovecot from master branch.

Greetz Matze
  • Dovecot and Oauth Michael Hallager via dovecot
    • Re: Dovecot and Oauth Matthias Lay via dovecot

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