Hi guys!

i ca see this:

    Reading value from file

It’s possible to read the value for a setting from a file:

key = </path/to/file

The value is read exactly as the entire contents of the file. This
includes all the whitespace and newlines. The paths are relative to the
currently parsed config file’s directory, similar to how !include works.
The file is read immediately whenever parsing the configuration file, so
if it changes afterwards it requires a configuration reload to see the
changes. This functionality is especially useful for reading SSL
certificates and keys.

So i thought it's a good idea, to write the password for dnpass for my
ldap in this notation in my config

dnpass = <private/dnpass

/etc/dovecot/private/dnpass contains only this

no space, no newline.

But dovecot cannot authenticate on the ldap-host.
I also tried
dnpass = </private/dnpass
dnpass = </etc/dovecot/private/dnpass

Then i tried a file
dnpass = myVerYSecretLdApPAssworD

It should be included with dovecot.conf

!include conf.d/*.conf

The only notation that works is the line

dnpass = myVerYSecretLdApPAssworD

in /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap-userdb.conf.ext

I thought it's a good idea to write it in an extra file, so i have to
manipulate only one small file with ansible, when i renew the password.

Is it a bug or does it work as designed, and the doc is wrong?

thank you


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