
Sorry for the delay in replying. Been having a few mail problems ironically! 
Gmail smtp server stopped working! 

On 23/09/2019 4:13 PM, Bernd Petrovitsch via dovecot wrote:
> It's not directly a solution within dovecot but "fail2ban" exists.

Yes, I have fail2ban, but that bans based on IP address. And most mail password 
attacks these days are distributed, and although fail2ban will try to spot them 
it doesn't do a very good job. I thought denying any logins without the 
@domain.com part would be an additional layer. I understand that there's no way 
these attempts could log in, its just that there are so many attempts logged, 
that it fills up 90% of my logs with noise, and prevents me from seeing the 
other important events. 

> Are users able to login without the @domain part?

No. All valid mail accounts are in the form u...@domain.com 

> There is also sshguard that will do the same thing.
> One of these should probably be running anyway as they help mitigate issues 
> where someone keep hammering on your system, however in the days of DDOS, 
> they are less helpful than they used to be.

I'll take a look at sshguard, although it looks like its retroactive too: it 
waits for the events to be logged and then bans based on what it finds in the 
logs. I was intending to do something more proactive, at the dovecot layer, and 
ideally just silently drop them. Or throw the attempts into a different log 
perhaps. Just thinking out loud at this point. 
For the sake of completeness, there's also my personal favourite, CSF, which in 
my opinion does a better job than fail2ban, but still not exactly what I 

> you can add username_filter = *@domain.com
> or deny-passdb before actual passdb with username_filter = !*@domain.com
> https://doc.dovecot.org/configuration_manual/authentication/password_databases_passdb/

This is more like what I had in mind. Let me try this out and I'll report back. 


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